Growing people change
Our relationship with Jesus is more than just a ticket to go to heaven when we die, but instead its an invitation for you to become a disciple (follower) of Jesus that can join God on his mission. We want everyone to become the man or woman that God has called them to be, which means we must change and grow. We have created an opportunity for you to learn more about yourself, your personality and the unique purpose that God has for your life. Below are some resources to help you learn and grow in your faith journey. Remember if you aren't growing, then you are dying.
Covenant family membership
One of the best ways to get connected at Church at the Grove is to become a family member. While we love, serve and accept everyone that comes to Church at the Grove, we desire for all attenders to become committed family members. Family members don't enjoy a lot of privileges but they are committing to work in tandem with other believers to accomplish the mission of our church. Becoming a covenant family member shouldn't be taken lightly, but for those that choose to belong their faith will be taken to another level. If you are interested in becoming a covenant family member please click the button below. |

theological and biblical education classes

To help people go deeper in the knowledge of God, the Bible and how it applies to our lives we periodically provide in-person classes in addition to our incredible online library of over 20,000 Bible studies and training videos. These classes/courses cover topics including apologetics, biblical finance, Bible study methods, spiritual gifts, parenting, marriage, leadership, etc.
Huddles are an extension of Sunday morning gatherings and Community Groups. They are a place where 2-3 people of the same gender gather on their own time to pursue Jesus together. A Huddle is a place to be known by others in such a way that you can be completely honest with your joys and struggles, confess sin, speak the truth of the Gospel to one another, and point each other to Christ!
Four things huddle do:
1. Hear God's voice and practice obeying
2. Encourage and celebrate one another
3. Repent and hold on another accountable
4. Pray for one another
Four things huddle do:
1. Hear God's voice and practice obeying
2. Encourage and celebrate one another
3. Repent and hold on another accountable
4. Pray for one another