At Church at the Grove we are serious about seeing people become mature followers of Jesus. We have created an introductory course to help you begin a relationship with Jesus. If you are interested in taking the course, and having someone walk with you through the process, please click the button below.
The Gospel
Even though we've all sinned against the God who created us, he sent his son Jesus to pay the penalty that we deserve. Jesus paid the price for our sins as he was executed on a Roman cross almost two millennia ago.
Jesus came as God in human flesh, and he lived with perfect compassion and holiness. He didn't deserve to die, but we do. We've rebelled against God, ignored him, and followed our own ways (Isaiah 53:6). Instead of leaving us to our own destructive ways, though, God sent his son to die in our place, so that we might be reconciled to him (1 Peter 3:18).
But that's not all...
Jesus came as God in human flesh, and he lived with perfect compassion and holiness. He didn't deserve to die, but we do. We've rebelled against God, ignored him, and followed our own ways (Isaiah 53:6). Instead of leaving us to our own destructive ways, though, God sent his son to die in our place, so that we might be reconciled to him (1 Peter 3:18).
But that's not all...

He was crucified and buried on your behalf, but he didn't stay dead! The grave couldn't keep him down. Instead, Jesus conquered death and rose again, and now he offers us that same new life - life that isn't defeated by death, but is eternal (John 3:16-17). He offers to take our sin upon himself, and give us his unending life, reconciled to God, in return.
Have you turned from your own sinful ways and trusted Jesus as king and savior instead (Luke 13:3)? Jesus rose so that you can live with him forever!
Have you turned from your own sinful ways and trusted Jesus as king and savior instead (Luke 13:3)? Jesus rose so that you can live with him forever!
Matthew 3:13-17 tells us that Jesus himself was baptized. He set the example.
Later, Jesus commanded that we should baptize all who would follow after him (Matthew 28:18-20).
Baptism is our outward, public expression of the inward decision to trust in Jesus. If you've trusted Christ as your Savior and Lord, then it's time to follow him in baptism!
Later, Jesus commanded that we should baptize all who would follow after him (Matthew 28:18-20).
Baptism is our outward, public expression of the inward decision to trust in Jesus. If you've trusted Christ as your Savior and Lord, then it's time to follow him in baptism!