Weekly Update 4/7/21

This week we gathered together to celebrate Easter and the power of the resurrection. In the sermon we answered the question, “What is truth?” In a culture where truth is subjective and conspiracy theories run rampant it is harder than ever to know what is true. In the message we discovered that truth is ultimately found in the person of Jesus and if the resurrection is true it changes everything!

This Sunday we looked at five basic historical evidences that the resurrection happened, we heard a personal testimony of how the living Savior is still alive today, and we looked at the theological
results of the resurrection. We were challenged with the truth of the resurrection and as a result,
forced to make a decision with what we will do with the truth of the resurrection.

If you did miss the talk from Sunday, you can view it now by clicking on the image above. You can also view the message through out YouTube page, Audio Podcast, and the Church at the Grove App. Be sure to check out the Sermon Application Guide to talk things over with your Community Group or Family.
Covenant Family Membership Gathering - April 24th at 5:30pm
At Church at the Grove we believe that the Christian life is something that can't be done in isolation, you need other men and women in your life to help you find the freedom that God provides through following his ways. THE BEST WAY TO GET CONNECTED TO CHURCH AT THE GROVE IS TO JOIN US AT OUR COVENANT FAMILY MEMBERSHIP GATHERING.
About every two seconds someone in the U.S. needs blood. That means, in the time it’s taken you to read this, someone has needed blood.  But although nearly half of people are able to donate blood, only about 5 percent actually do.  This can result in blood shortages for hospitals.

Church at the Grove is partnering with the Red Cross to ensure that our local bank of available blood and blood types can provide life-saving transfusions to patients in need. Give blood.  You could literally save a life.

If you are able to volunteer at anytime throughout the day please email Nathan at nathan@churchatthegrove.com



